August 20, 2024

1.         Chairman Gordon Dickinson conducting- Meeting called to order- Prayer- Roll call.

The regular meeting of the Monroe City Planning Commission was called to order by Pro-temp Chairman Bart Lee on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. Opening prayer was offered by Commissioner Lee.


Gordon Dickinson-excused.

Candice Barney

Lyndon Friant

Bart Lee

Greg Northrup-excused.


Josh Utley

Tasha Utley

2.         Approval of previous meeting held June 18, 2024.

Commissioner Friant made a motion to approve the minutes with the state corrections. Seconded by Commissioner Barney. All were in favor. All were in favor. Motion passes 3-0.

3.         Citizens’ comments.

No citizens were present.

4.         Lot line adjustment located at 95 South 200 East. Submitted by Josh Utley.

Josh informed the commissioners that he would like to move property lines to acquire his dad’s shop that sits on the parcel next to his. He mentioned that he is not sure if he gives the required 10’ setback that it would leave enough square footage remaining on his dad’s parcel.  Commissioner Lee asked where the leach lines run from the property? Josh replied that everything runs behind the house into where the current garden sits which makes no conflict on adjusting the lot lines. Commissioner Lee stated by his calculations Josh can give the required 10’ from the shop and still leave enough footage on the parcel the home sits on.  Josh said they would like to not give the 10’ clearance. Commissioner Barney commented that the city ordinances are in place for a reason and the planning commissioners would like them to follow the ordinance. Josh said by giving up the 10’ it only leaves 17’ of side yard for whoever buys the home. Commissioner Lee expressed that most homes only have a 10’ clearance anyways for side yards. Commissioner Barney stated her opinion is that the city has the 10’ setback ordinance in place for future developments because no one knows what the future will bring.  Commissioner Friant commented that he feels like it would be a win-win if they give the 10’ since it leaves the required square footage and follows the city ordinance too. Commissioner Friant asked if the 10’ requirement is from the overhang or the foundation? Josh said it would be from the foundation. Josh asked about irrigation lines since his dad’s riser currently sits on his lot. Commissioner Lee said they will have to move the irrigation line, so each property has their own irrigation riser on their property. The commissioners told Josh he can move forward to get a survey done with the required 10’ clearance from the shop 

5.         Other Business.

Commissioner Friant reported to the commissioners that he is going to have to resign from the planning commission due to moving away from Monroe. The commissioners thanked Commissioner Friant for his service to the city and wished him good luck in his new adventure.

6.         Adjournment.

Commissioner Barney made a motion to adjourn at 7:19 P.M. Seconded by Commissioner Friant 7:19. All were in favor. Meeting adjourned.

[1] Planning Commission Minutes

August 20, 2024

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