January 21, 2025
- Meeting called to order- Prayer- Roll call.
The regular meeting of the Monroe City Planning Commission was called to order by Chair Pro-Temp Bart Lee on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 7:00 P.M. Opening prayer was offered by Commissioner Lee. - Present:
Candice Barney-Excused
Bart Lee
Talon Gadd
Greg Northrup-Excused
Jason Bagley
Tyler Timmons
Peter Weimer
Patrick Omer
- Approval of previous meeting minutes.
Commissioner Gadd made a motion to approve minutes with the stated corrections. Seconded by Commissioner Bagley. All were in favor. Motion passes 3-0. - Citizens’ comments.
No citizens were present. - Welcome the newest member of the Monroe City Planning Commission, Jason Bagley.
Commissioner Lee welcomed Jason to the planning commission. Jason is happy to be part of the planning commission and happy to help. He has been in Monroe for 23 years now and feels like Monroe is home. The Commissioners all welcomed him to the board. - R6 Regional Council Community Advisor-Tyler Timmons.
Tyler is here representing the R6 Regional Community Council. He is the community advisor for our area. There are 4 advisors broken up between the six regions. He is here to help write ordinances, general planning, personal policies, really anything and everything. The main reason he wanted to come tonight is to invite the commissioners to the Regional Growth Summit. He informed the commissioners that the summit has land use officials, lawyers and others who help with training for elected officials. He encouraged the commissioners to sign up for this event. Commissioner Lee responded that the trainings are very beneficial and informational and he also highly encouraged the commissioners to attend. - Property adjustment located at approximately 387 E Monroe Canyon Road. Submitted by Peter Weimer.
Pete had a survey done to straighten up his property lines and found that the canyon road runs through his personal property. He believes he has been paying property taxes on property that is not his. He went over to the county to confirm that the road runs through his property. The county recorder suggested moving the property lines of Pete’s property so that his property did not run through the road. Allison Leavitt- City Recorder stated that the attorney understands the requests but where the road has been historically used for so many years it is now considered public property, so the city is unable to grant property to make up for the road. Pete again stated that he has been charged for taxes on a piece of property that is not his. Commissioner Lee again said that the tax issue would be with the county, not the city. Commissioner Lee asked Pete what was there when he bought the property? Pete said it was a dirt road but now has become an asphalt road. Pete asked who assesses the property? Commissioner Lee again stated it is Sevier County. He also stated that the city is not going to do anything on their end with exchanging property, but he is able to meet with the city council to see if they feel differently than what the attorney and planning commission do. Allison also mentioned to Pete that there was something on the county records of property transfers so if he was going to meet with the county, he should investigate those transfer records. - Conditional Use License “MidTown Cloggers Dance Studio” located at 314 W 230 N. Submitted by Dixie Christopherson.
Dixie was not present tonight. Her business will be tabled for the following meeting. - Set Back adjustment to auxiliary building located at 316 S 500 W. Submitted by Lloyd Bridges.
Lloyd was not present tonight. His business will be tabled for the following meeting. - Set back adjustment to auxiliary building located at 295 E 200 S. Submitted by Patrick Omer.
Patrick would like to build a shop that does not meet the city’s required corner setbacks. He stated he can’t build the shop directly behind his house due to his septic tank system and irrigation lines that run through his property. The only place he feels like he can fit a shed is on the street side of 300 East. Commissioner Lee commented that due to living on a corner lot the 30’ required setback cannot be adjusted. He stated that the given 30’ is a safety issue for visibility. Patrick noted the height of his building saying it would give visibility to the road, but Commissioner Lee again stated that the commissioners are not willing to give up the 30’ required corner setback. Patrick asked if this was just the commissioner’s opinion and Commissioner Lee informed Patrick that this is the city’s ordinance. Patrick asked if he could apply for a variance which Commissioner Lee replied yes, he can. Patrick understands that the 30’ setback is a safety concern, but he still is hoping to have his shop built somehow. Allison Leavitt commented that the planning commission will give their recommendation to the city council, at that point the city council can either approve or deny his building permit. If the permit is denied Patrick can then move onto the appeal board.
Commissioner Gadd motioned to not recommend approval for the auxiliary building submitted by Patrick Omer. Seconded by Commissioner Bagley. All were in favor. Motion passes 3-0. - Other Business.
No other business was discussed. - Adjournment.
Commissioner Gadd made a motion to adjourn at 7:28 P.M. on January 21, 2025. Seconded by Commissioner Bagley. All were in favor. Meeting adjourned.