June 18, 2024

1.         Chairman Gordon Dickinson conducting- Meeting called to order- Prayer- Roll call.

The regular meeting of the Monroe City Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Gordon Dickinson on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. Opening prayer was offered by Commissioner Friant.


Gordon Dickinson

Candice Barney

Lydon Friant

Bart Lee- Excused

Greg Northrup- Excused


See attached list.

2.         Approval of previous meeting minutes held May 22, 2024.

Commissioner Barney made a motion to recommend approval of the presented minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Friant. All were in favor. Motion passes 3-0.

3.            Citizens Comments.

No comments were made.

4.            Conditional Use License for “Sanderson Diesel” located at 383 East 580 South. Submitted by Stetson Sanderson.

Commissioner Dickinson asked Stetson if he would like to add anything to what he presented to the commissioners, which Stetson stated no. Commissioner Dickinson asked if he met the fire inspection page with the fire extinguishers which Stetson answered yes. Commissioner Barney pulled a plat map and confirmed with Stetson that he is the owner of the property. She also asked about the shop on his property and if that is where he will run his business out of, which it will be. She stated she saw no issues with it. 

No other comments or questions were addressed.

Commissioner Friant made a motion to recommend approval of “Sanderson Diesel.” Seconded by Commissioner Barney. All were in favor. Motion passes 3-0.

5.            Public Hearing to receive comments concerning proposed amendment to Monroe City Land Use Ordinance Chapter 10 Wellhead Protection Zone Section 10.03 General Requirements.

Commissioner Dickinson closed the regular scheduled planning commission meeting, at 7:04 P.M. on June 18, 2024. Commission Dickinson then opened the Public Hearing at 7:04 P.M. On June 18, 2024.

Commissioner Dickinson asked the public to keep in mind that these changes do not affect established lots. These changes will affect new lots with new construction.

Kathleen Schoemig asked what sparked the change to change the ordinance? Commissioner Dickinson stated that it is to protect Monroe City’s drinking water, that is the biggest motivator.  The commissioners have also been working on updating the land use book and this was an area that they felt like they needed to address. Kathleen also asked about how large of lots would you need since the language isn’t very clear to her. Commissioner Friant informed Kathleen what she was reading was what the city was proposing on taking out, anything in red with the line through would be removed from the ordinance. Commissioner Dickinson still answered her question that two acres would be required per one residence.

Allen Oscarson stated that he has frontage, acreage and all the requirements to build on does this affect him? Commissioner Dickinson asked if his lots are established? Allen didn’t think that they were. Commissioner Friant asked him if the lots were already separated or if they were all one parcel? Allen answered they were one parcel. Allen asked if these changes were because of new development? Commissioner Dickinson replied that the old land use book was not very clear and the commissioners felt like they needed to clear it up for everybody. Allen also inquired about the proposed state development of 80 acres, he asked if the city was going to allow special privileges for them to build in zone 3 with the updated septic systems? Commissioner Dickinson said no. Only zone 4 would be allowed to build on and only with an approved septic system.

Andrew Fulton mentioned he owns a property in zones 2 & 3 and is wondering if he is allowed to build on his property. Commissioner Dickinson told him that since he is an established lot, he is able to build on it. Andrew also confirmed that any new build would just need to be up to date with code.

Doug Miles commented that he wishes the city would have sent the original map out with the update one. He was informed that the map itself has not changed, just the usage of the zones in the wellhead protection zone.

Mikki Webb asked if there is an established lot but there are no utilities, can they still build? Commissioner Dickinson said yes that they can, but they still have to follow the zone 4 ordinance with having the 2-acre parcels.

Allen Oscarson is concerned about the water issue with how many parcels would be developed. He didn’t think the state got involved with selling and buying to private developers. Commissioner Friant said they are only discussing items pertaining to the public hearing.

Ron Torgerson who is here with the state trust lands along with Kelly Chappell who is the engineer for the proposed development and Alexa Wilson. He stated that the 80 acres were given to the state trust lands and they came in February inquiring about how to develop the 80 acres with the then current ordinances. From the trust land standpoint whether they wait for a sewer system, make a land exchange or work with some engineering suggestions, there will be something done with the property.  He stated that people are inquiring about that property every day. He feels like state lands followed the ordinances until the city proposed new changes. He said there have been people interested in many different things including glamping, a rock pit, etc. If the state is not able to develop the property into a subdivision like they have proposed, they are willing to lease the property to make money on the land. Ron also stated they do not want to contaminate the city’s water. He understands that protecting the water is extremely important.

Kelly Chappell asked about updating the ordinances which he stated is great but the restrictions regarding the affluent and nitrates in zone 3 and zone 4, was there a study done to show the what the recommendations were on those numbers? Commissioner Dickinson said with his own study he looked up the systems and reached out to other cities. He feels like the systems are good, but he never got a call back to say the systems are effective and safe with that documentation. He stated that since the systems aren’t new, there are plenty of studies that can show the affluent. Kelly noted that ground water and nitrate contamination is a big concern, he knows that it’s one of the largest communities without a sewer system, so he knows that Monroe needs to protect the ground water. Commissioner Dickinson referred to #7 of the well head protection zone  ordinance stating that all of this could be revised if a sewer system was implemented. Kelly said it would be nice to know the reasoning to all these changes and having proof documenting the required numbers on the systems. Kelly stated there is a housing shortage in the state and Monroe is no different. He also said the way zone 3 is written there is no way to build on, even with the new updated septic systems. Commissioner Dickinson said they are just a recommendation board, and the City Council will ultimately have the final say.

 Alexa Wilson asked if there is a way to leave a little wiggle room to add septic systems into zone 3. She asked if they (SITLA) were to present a qualified system that is up to Monroe City’s standards would the city consider changing the ordinance. She knows there are valid concerns for nitrates, but she feels like the ordinance needs to be balanced with the property rights. She is asking for the commissioners to work on a solution that would benefit both the city and SITLA and other property owners. Commissioner Dickinson expressed his appreciation for SITLA’s input.

Allen Oscarson asked how many lots would be in zone 3 with the state proposed subdivision? Ron Torgerson answered saying there would be 20. Allen also asked how much the new septic systems cost. Kelly Chappell said they are about double the cost of a traditional septic system. Commissioner Dickinson stated that the septic systems are built by the size of home. These systems also require a semiannual inspection. Commissioner Friant said there are checks and balances in the new systems and they are a good system.

Kathleen Meacham said the sewer system was shot down once, is there any talk about proposing a vote again for a sewer? Commissioner Barney said the proposal had CIB money lined up to help with the sewer but not anymore. Kathleen stated that maybe the city can look at it again and maybe start some fundraising. Commissioner Dickinson said it’s something that can be brought to the city council. Commissioner Barney agreed that it can be brought to city council.

Allen Oscarson asked the question to the state if they have considered how difficult it would be to sell two acre lots in the flood and well head protection zone? Commissioner Dickinson again stated that these concerns can be addressed at a different time, this meeting is strictly for comments pertaining to the wellhead protection zone changes.

No other comments or concerns were made.

6.         Public Hearing to receive comments concerning proposed amendments to Monroe City Development and Construction Standards. To Include Title 17. Drainage and Floodplain,

Commissioner Dickinson stated that the only thing they are really doing is just adopting this into the City’s ordinance. Commissioner Friant would like some definitions included with the construction standards; he feels like adding definitions will help developers be able to read the ordinance clearer.  Commissioner Friant also stated under the floodplain there has to be a demonstration on how the flood water will not change. He would like that added. Commissioner Dickinson noted he will check with Monroe City’s floodplain manager to make sure there is the correct verbiage. Commissioner Friant feels like what is being proposed is good for now but might need to be updated in 15 years.

Kelly Chappell noted there is something about historic floodways but wants to know how the pathways that are manmade are going to be handled with the floodplain? He would like clarification on what is considered historic. He noted that there are 2 manmade drainage pathways southeast of town that make water flow not natural. He is wanting to know how those pathways are going to be handled. 

Commissioner Friant said in regards to how the water moves effects the floodplain maps. Whether they are defined as the 1979 or the most current floodplain map. Allison Leavitt said we have a floodplain ordinance but this public hearing is just pertaining to adopting the drainage ordinance.

Commissioner Friant said the floodplain maps do change over time, Allison Leavitt commented that FEMA is finally looking at reevaluating Monroe’s map but there is no set date when that will happen.

No other comments or concerns were made.

Commissioner Dickinson closed the meeting at 7:38 P.M. on Tuesday, June 18, 2024.

Commissioner Dickinson opened the regular meeting at 7:38 P.M. on Tuesday, June 18, 2024.

7.            Consider recommendation of amendments to Monroe City Land Use Ordinance Chapter 10 Wellhead Protection Zone Section, 10.03 General Requirements.

Commissioner Friant expressed appreciation to the comments that were made. He also commented that with the knowledge that there are upgraded septic systems that people are willing to pay for, and the studies show the systems keep the water clean and do not contaminate the drinking water he wonders what the city can do to prohibit them. Commissioner Dickinson stated they can recommend suggestions to the city council and the council can either approve, deny or push it back to the commissioners to continue working on the ordinance.

Commissioner Barney made a motion to recommend approval to the Monroe City Council with concerns and comments about the possibility of allowing building lots in zone 3 of the wellhead protection zone, as long as they meet nitrate levels. Seconded by Commissioner Friant.

8.         Consider recommendation of Monroe City Development and Construction Standards amendment to include Title 17. Drainage and Floodplain.

Commissioner Barney made a motion to recommend approval to the Monroe City Council with concerns and comments on verbiage. Seconded by Commissioner Friant.

9.         Consider Monroe Canyon Estates Subdivision. Located at approximately 100 E 800 S. Submitted by SITLA.


10.         Other Business

No other business was discussed.

11.       Adjournment.

Commissioner Friant made a motion to adjourn at 7:43 P.M. Seconded by Commissioner Barney. All were in favor. Meeting adjourned.

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