November 19, 2024

  1. Meeting called to order- Prayer- Roll call.

The regular meeting of the Monroe City Planning Commission was called to order by Chair    Pro-Temp Chairman Bart Lee on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. Opening prayer was offered by Commissioner Barney.


Bart Lee

Candice Barney

Talon Gadd

Gordon Dickinson- Excused

Greg Northrup-Excused


Walt Bryce

  • Elect Chair for remainder term of 2024.

Commissioner Lee made a motion to elect Commissioner Barney for Chair for the remainder of 2024 and the upcoming year of 2025. Commissioner Gadd seconded it. All were in favor. Motion Passes.

Commissioner Barney made a motion to elect Bart Lee as Chair pro-temp. Seconded by Commissioner Gadd. All were in favor. Motion passes.

  • Approval of previous meeting minutes.

Minutes will be presented at the next meeting.

  • Citizens’ comments.

No citizens were present.

  • Welcome the newest member of the planning commission, Talon Gadd.

Talon is happy to be here in Monroe. He is originally from Richfield but is excited to be part of the Monroe City Planning Commission. Commissioner Barney and Commissioner Lee welcomed Talon.

  • Consider set back adjustment for parcel 1-M3A-160 submitted by Walter Bryce.

Walter stated his land has a step on the side of his property so there is only 88’ of flat land and his house is going to be 65’ long. He would like his driveway to be on the East side on his lot due to the slope on his property, he doesn’t want his house sitting right on the slope of his lot. Walt asked why does the city require the 30’? Commissioner Lee stated it is a safety issue. The visibility is lessened. Walt says his lot and house would be at least 6’ above the ground. Commissioner Lee noted that Walt is in a unique position with how his lot sits above the road. Commissioner Barney confirmed that the road sits below his property to the west, she stated she feels like the commissioners need to stick with the city ordinance of keeping the 30’ to each street. Commissioner Lee also agreed that he feels like Walter needs to follow the city ordinance and keep the 30’ set back on each street side.

  • Consider Land Use Zone and family food production.

Commissioner Lee asked if there have been any issues with this ordinance or what is the reason for reviewing the ordinance? Commissioner Lee was informed that a citizen had come in and asked that the ordinance be reviewed. Commissioner Lee stated that in all the years that the City has had this ordinance in place, there has never been any issues with the allowable number of animals. Commissioner Barney mentioned that she had researched Richfield, Annabella, and a couple of other towns to see what their ordinances allowed. Richfield does not allow any pigs at all in their city limits. Other towns refer to a “usable area square footage” Commissioner Barney suggested adjusting the square footage of our current ordinance so more square footage was required per animal. Commissioner Lee asked if the commissioners needed to look at adjusting all the numbers on animals or if they are just looking at adjusting for pigs. Commissioner Lee said the commissioners need to do more research on this topic and should table the business item for now. All commissioners were in favor.

  • Other Business.

The commissioners need to be thinking of a replacement member for the commission.

Commissioner Lee made a motion to cancel the December 17, 2024, meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Barney. All were in favor. Motion Passes.

9.         Adjournment.

Commissioner Lee made a motion to adjourn at 7:19 P.M. Seconded by Commissioner Barney all were in favor. Meeting adjourned.


[1] Planning Commission Minutes

November 19, 2024

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