October 19th, 2021

Notice is hereby given that the Monroe City Planning Commission will meet on Tuesday, October 19th, 2021 at the Monroe City Offices, 10 North Main Street, which meeting shall begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. 


1.            Chairman Bart Lee conducting- Meeting called to order- Prayer- Roll call.

The regular meeting of the Monroe City Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Bart Lee on October 19th, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. Opening prayer was offered by Commissioner Roberts.  


Chairman Bart Lee 


Bart Lee

Gordon Dickinson 

Bill Mecham-Excused 

Janet Cartwright 

Greg Northrup

Paula Roberts


2.            Approval of previous meeting held September 21st, 2021.

                Commissioner Northrup made a motion to accept the minutes with the stated corrections. Seconded by Commissioner Dickinson. All were in favor. Motion passes 4-0.

3.            Citizens comments.

                No citizen comments were made.

4.            Public Hearing to receive comments on proposed changes concerning a proposal for a zone change from RR-1 to the CR-1 affecting property located from 550 N Main to 800 S and 100 S to 450 W.

Commissioner Lee closed the planning commission meeting at 7:04 p.m. and opened the Public Hearing Meeting at 7:04 p.m.

Commissioner Lee opened the public meeting addressing the citizens with the reasonings behind why the planning commission is wanting to extend the commercial zone.

Lyle Banks asked what the advantage for the city is to turn everything into commercial? His concern is that the change will increase the property taxes but will not increase the property value. He doesn’t want to see a tax increase. Commissioner Lee addressed the question for the zone change and said that it is to help the property line discrepancy.

Amy Garren Clark was here for the county to address any concerns. She informed them that residential and commercial lots are taxed the same in Monroe. Values will not change because of zoning. She informed the citizens present that the value of their home will be the same. this changes when a home is rented out as an AirBnb or as secondary home. Primary homes are not taxed at a commercial tax rate just that secondary home.

Sharee Jones commented that she wants to keep and protect the rural residential area. She is worried that having this zone change will take away from the agriculture culture. From the General Plan she quoted that the commercial plan would address the role of a bedroom community. Her question is what is needed?

Commissioner Northrup made the comment that many people on main street are butted up against a commercial building. Finding that buffer would be to include only businesses in the commercial zone specifically for the commercial zone. Sharee is worried about the buffering that the city would need to mediate. Commissioner Lee said that moving a commercial line to the street would help with the buffer because now there’s a clear line.

Renae Marticorena quoted from the list of permitted uses that are allowed in the commercial zone. She stated she didn’t want her property to move to commercial from residential.

Stephanie Smith has a concern with the fact that roads are residential roads instead of commercial. She doesn’t feel like the growth is enough to justify the change.

Commissioner Lee noted that the streets have not been a concern. The local businesses that are throughout the whole area of Monroe have not increased traffic in residential areas.

Sue Tuft made the comment that her husband’s family used to run a dairy right off 1st west but moved it outside of town. The reason they did that is because it doesn’t make sense to run a farm in the middle of a residential area. She feels like Monroe City is trying to make a residential area into a commercial area. 

Terry Smith said when the city considers making a zoning change, we need to consider the future. He believes it is a bad idea to do the change now. People have purchased homes with a designated zoning believing that they would stay in that zone. He is questioning if there is an unmet need in Monroe for commercial property?

Christine Nielson said that her house is out of the commercial zone, but they needed a conditional use license to operate her husband’s business. Also, she said she contacted the courthouse about tax increases. She also said she contacted a realtor to see what home prices were sold for in the commercial zone in Richfield. She feels like she stands in an interesting spot because of where she lives. She would like to see her property stay a rural residential area.

Dave Jensen would like to see the community to stay a residential area.

Katie Owens lives on the opposite side of what would be affected directly. She feels that knowing that commercial properties moving in next to her would drastically change how she feels about where she lives.

Laramie Jones asked if someone wants to build a business on main street wouldn’t they look for somewhere with parking?

Sharee Jones asked another question about what businesses is the city lacking? Commissioner Lee said that the city doesn’t determine what businesses come or don’t come.

Doug Monroe said that even though people don’t like businesses in a residential area, they generate sales tax. Overall, it makes our tax rate go down and can provide more income to the city to supply sales tax.

Vearl Christiansen would like to know what businesses are allowed in the commercial zone?

Cindy Sessions is wondering if the businesses come in with parking plans.  Commissioner Lee answered that the business must provide parking. Commissioner Lee said if there is no parking space available a business won’t want to and can’t build there.

Greg Abbott has a couple of concerns atvs, businesses, lots of different attractions are coming to Monroe. He is concerned about changing his residential area home. He doesn’t want to see Monroe turning into strictly a business hub.

Commissioner Lee appreciated Greg’s comment and said that people that are coming in and Monroe needs a place to host and accommodate them. Greg also said that a “boundary” is not considered a buffer.

Michael Mathie encouraged everyone to come to City Council because Planning Commission may make a different decision than what City Council officially decides. He made the point that currently property is hard to determine which property is held in the commercial zone or not in the commercial zone.

RK Nielson said he came into the planning commission 45 years ago and was given conditions before he was able to get a conditional use license. After visiting with his neighbors he was given more conditions and once those were met he was issued a conditional use license. He made a comment that business license approvals outside of the commercial zone are all required to get conditional use licenses. His big point is to protect the neighbors.

Wayne Bodily wants to make sure the needs and the wants of the community come first. He believes everyone lives in Monroe because this is where they want to be.

Dave Coe is a real estate agent with Red Rock Real Estate. He has presented a map with ideas for the commissioners to review.

Erica Sirrine wants to know if they approve the commercial zone will they continue to allow conditional use licenses? Commissioner Lee said they are trying to herd businesses onto main street but would still take each license application case by case.

Dwight Jenkins wants to see the commercial zone held to what the city necessarily needs. He feels like the commercial district is adding a lot by adding in the half a block. He is just asking that maybe the planning commission look at doing a different approach and utilizing main street areas. He feels like it is being doubled plus the extension brings more than doubled, possibly 3 or 4 more times the number of residential homes into the commercial zone.

Dave Riddle said that the new proposal would take 30% of the town into a commercial zone.

Susan Johns wants to know if there have been big businesses contacting Monroe City. Commissioner Lee made the comment that no businesses have contacted the city.

Shelly Trejo said she understands what the planning commission is trying to do but why are they trying to make a straight line?

Toby Jackson doesn’t think that bringing traffic onto first west is a good idea because of all the added cars and hazards. He also said that the commercial tax base would be nice to see but he believes the commercial zone should stay down main street. He has property on both sides of a vacant lot located on main and understands that commercial is the best route to go for that lot but would like to keep commercial strictly on main street.  

Laura Wilkinson owns an acre on the corner of 3rd south and main. She said she believes the city will have to update the roads because of the two lanes that go to 1 lane once it reaches her property. She feels like the roads will need to be widened due to the commercial zone change.

Becky Christiansen mentioned she knows that the city doesn’t like having the commercial zone ½ thru blocks but she believes it still needs to be kept on main street and not brought thru current residential areas.  

Troy Olson asked what the process is at this point?

Terry Smith made a comment that he would appreciate more information and asked if the public’s comments will be taken into consideration?

Commissioner Northrup said it would be foolish not to take into consideration the comments that were made tonight.

Commissioner Roberts also said that comments will absolutely be considered. The commissioners live in Monroe and love Monroe just as much as the citizens here tonight.

Commissioner Lee said that discussion will be held but something needs to be done about the commercial zone, it cannot continue the way it is.

Carlene Tuft mentioned the traffic on first north going up to Mystic Hot Springs and the problems that it can bring to a residential area.

Rick Adams asked who was sent letters because to him it effects the entire town.

Commissioner Lee said that the planning commission will take all the comments into consideration and look at other options.

Commissioner Lee closed the public hearing at 8:45 p.m. on October 19th, 2021.

Commissioner Lee reopened the Planning Commission meeting at 8:51 p.m. on October 19th, 2021.

5.            Conditional use license “Wild Rose Rejuvenation” located at 195 E 300 N. Submitted by Heather & Chris Lundgreen.

                Chris and Heather Lundgreen have presented a conditional use license to the planning commission seeking permission to operate a business out of their home. Heather would like to offer Botox injections, facials and eyelash extensions. She is a licensed RN and licensed to do Botox and other beauty applications. She works directly under Dr. Sellers. A question was asked if there will be hazardous materials because of the Botox. Heather replied that she will have proper disposal of needles and other fillers. She will have to take all of her disposal to an incinerator. She has syringes in containers that will be properly disposed of after they are used. She also told them there will not be a lot of hazardous waste, just what is left from the Botox fillers.

 Commissioner Roberts made a motion to recommend approval for “Wild Rose Rejuvenation” Seconded by Commission Northrup. All were in favor. Motion passes 4-0.

7.            Conditional use license “AIRBNB Rental” located at 345 E 400 S. Submitted by Lance Roberts.

                Lance Roberts is here with an idea of doing an Airbnb rental, he isn’t sure of all the specifics that he needs to do to. He has a driveway designated just for this Airbnb rental. With what Lance is proposing as is, he would not be able to host the rental. Commissioner Lee told Lance that he will have to split his lot and designate 1,400 square feet with 30’ for a road leading to the rental. He will also have to have a 90’ turn around for the flag lot. Commissioner Lee also told him to think about the fact that he will also be taxed on two properties. If he splits the lot, he will have to have a separate system septic system for the proposed rental. Lance said he will look things over and get back with the commissioners.

8.            Single lot split located at “1080 South” submitted by Ronnie Jones and Doug Monroe.

                Doug Monroe is here hoping to relieve some problems that are in the subdivision located off of 1080 South. He is proposing to widen the current street and bring it up to city code by each lot giving up property. 33’ is needed to bring the road to be 57’. Each lot will give up 17 ½ feet which would bring the new proposed road to a legal description of the 57’. Commissioner Roberts asked what the planning commission needs to do? Commissioner Lee said they need to decide if they are ok with the smaller road width on the one entrance or if they want it changed before anything else moves forward. The access from Jones’ Road would not be able to be widened until after Jeff Nielson and Doug Monroe’s house due to water meters and power poles. The way Commissioner Lee sees it, is that it is too late to fix mistakes that have already been made and now homes have been built and you can’t move homes to give more property to widen the road. Commissioner Dickinson asked if there is potential of another road coming in from a different entrance? His concern is if there is only one entrance, and it is already a smaller entrance that it could potentially be hazardous if there was an emergency. He mentioned the traffic that comes in and out of White Fence Farms with two entrances and is concerned what the traffic flow would be like in this subdivision with only one entrance. The commissioners agreed that they would like to see another entrance happen to avoid any congestion or problems if there happened to be an emergency.

Commissioner Northrup made a motion to recommend approval to the Monroe City Council with the included road changes to widen the road to 57’. Seconded by Commissioner Roberts All were in favor. Motion passes 4-0.

9.            Consider additional development to the Monroe Canyon RV Park. Submitted by Jordan Mills.

                Jordan is here looking to develop small cabins at his RV park. He is trying to offer more accommodations than just a RV hook up. He is wanting to add 5 silos and 5 small cabins. He has each cabin sitting on 1/3 of an acre. All of his current hook ups are 35’ apart and he does not want to crowd anything. The question was asked if a separate license would be needed but since it is all on the same property, he is able to do this on his Monroe Canyon RV Park business license.  He was asked about septic systems for each of the silos/cabins and Jordan has 3 proposals for the health department. One of them is to stick with his current septic system and hook the buildings into it. Another option is where the buildings are so small if they can share septic systems? He wasn’t sure what he would do but told the commissioners he will just follow whatever the health department requires.  Commissioner Lee feels like it will benefit the community. Commissioner Lee also added the conditions that these cabins are short term which in Monroe city is defined by no more than 29 days.

Commissioner Dickinson made a motion to approve the additional development with the conditions of the cabins and silos are to be rented out only as short term and Jordan must abide by whatever conditions the health department requires him to do. Seconded by Commissioner Northrup All were in favor. Motion passes 4-0.

10.          Discussion on Monroe City Flag Lot Ordinance. – Councilmember Janet Cartwright.

                Janet Cartwright is wanting to consider changing the current flag lot Ordinance. One particular lot has caught her attention that was just recently addressed with the planning commission and with John Hicks who is the Monroe City Appeals Authority Chair. She would like to see the ordinance changed to better serve the community. Commissioner Lee stated that he doesn’t think the ordinance needs to change due to the fact that flag lots are not a very good option. Commissioner Cartwright said that she knows flag lots are not for everyone but we should be able to adjust our ordinance if the lot meets the health department requirements, emergency responders and building code. She referenced back to the lot on 170 W 300 S that was denied for the flag lot and informed the commissioners she felt the only reason it was denied is because of the 90’ turn around. The health department was ok with the lot, the fire chief came and inspected it and was also ok with a home being built behind the current home. Commissioner Northrup asked if they had the EMS and Sheriff’s office come and look at it too? He feels like trying to find addresses on flag lots make response times longer. Commissioner Lee asked what Commissioner Cartwright would like to see changed? She responded by saying that we need to adjust our ordinance to accommodate those who meet the health department, emergency responders and building department code along with our ordinance should be allowed a flag lot. Commissioner Northrup asked when the 90’ turn around was established? Although flag lots were specified the land use book was last amended in 2012. He is worried that allowing flag lots without enough turn around space is opening up problems for those who need help or a faster response time and wont be able to receive that. Another question was asked about utilities, if separate hooks ups are required or if current ones could go on the new dwelling. Commissioner Lee answered by telling them if it is a new lot then new hook ups have to be connected. Shared utilities are not allowed on separate lots. He also told them about the 30’ access road. 20’ of that is required for access and the other 10’ is for utility easements or access. Another issue Commissioner Lee sees about changing the flag lot ordinance is he feels it will open up problems of people building secondary homes on their property without enough space. Commissioner Cartwright stated she doesn’t feel like that would be a problem because people like having larger lots and their own space. Commissioner Lee disagreed and said that AirBnBs are blowing up and people are establishing them all over. Commissioner Dickinson made the comment that he feels like the Sheriff’s office and EMT’s would have a harder time finding addresses with flag lots. Commissioner Lee mentioned that he has no issues with the current flag lot they keep referencing to. IT is clean, well kept and everything is in order but that’s not always going to be the case. Commissioner Northrup said he feels like it is concerning that flag lots are not allowed in many cities and towns and wants to know the reasoning for those who do and don’t allow it. Commissioner Lee told Commissioner Cartwright he is fine to review the ordinance and would like all the commissioners to do some homework and figure out what they would like to see changed. He told Commissioner Cartwright to also do some homework and how she would like to see the ordinance changed concerning size, dimensions, and anything else. He thinks if they want to change it, they need to get it done so it can be updated for the new book.

11.          Adjournment

Commissioner Northrup made a motion to adjourn at 9:57 p.m. seconded by Commissioner Dickinson. All were in favor. Motion passes 4-0.

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