April 16, 2024

1.         Chairman Gordon Dickinson conducting- Meeting called to order- Prayer- Roll call.

The regular meeting of the Monroe City Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Gordon Dickinson on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. Opening prayer was offered by Commissioner Lee.



                Gordon Dickinson

                Candice Barney

                Lyndon Friant

                Bart Lee

                Greg Northrup excused.


                Makena Hutchings

2.         Approval of previous meeting held February 20, 2024, and March 19, 2024.

Commissioner Lee made a motion to approve the minutes with the stated corrections. Seconded by Commissioner Barney.

3.         Citizens’ comments.

No citizens were present.

4.         Conditional Use License “Take 10 With Ken” located at 372 North 430 East. Submitted by Makena Hutchings.

Makena would like to offer nail services out of her home. For right now she is focusing just on gel nails but would like to expand to pedicure services soon.  Commissioner Dickinson mentioned that she has plenty of room for parking. Makena said they live on the end of a      cul-da-sac so there’s plenty of room for a turn around. Commissioner Barney asked if there are any issues about her running a business out of her home since it is a rental. Makena said she has reached out to the owners of the home, and they have approved her to run her nail business from her home. Commissioner Barney asked if Makena could get a letter from the owners stating that she is allowed to have her business in her home. Commissioner Lee mentioned that it would be a good idea to have the letter since the conditional use license stays with the property.

Commissioner Friant made a motion to recommend approval to the Monroe City Council for “Take 10 With Ken” pending an approval letter from the property owner. Seconded by Commissioner Lee. All were in favor. Motion passes 4-0.

5.         Lot line adjustment located at approximately 387 E Monroe Canyon Road. Submitted by Pete Weimer. Since Pete was unable to attend the meeting tonight the commissioners discussed tabling the item.

Commissioner Lee made a motion to table the agenda item. Seconded by Commissioner Barney. All were in favor.

6.         Other Business.

Commissioner Lee spoke with the commissioners about the current utility easement policy the city has in place. He would like the commissioners to keep those easements in place.  The reason being is that the 10’ easement on the property line gives room for future utility infrastructure that might come to Monroe City. The commissioners were reminded about the upcoming six county summit training that will be held in May. The commissioners also changed the date of their May meeting from Tuesday May 21, 2024, to Wednesday May 22, 2024, due to the training. No other comments or business was discussed.

7.         Adjournment.

Commissioner Lee made a motion to adjourn at 7:20 P.M. Seconded by Commissioner Friant. Meeting adjourned.

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