May 22, 2024

1.         Chairman Gordon Dickinson conducting- Meeting called to order- Prayer- Roll call.

The regular meeting of the Monroe City Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Gordon Dickinson on Tuesday, May 22, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. Opening prayer was offered by Commissioner Barney.


                Gordon Dickinson

                Candice Barney

                Lyndon Friant-excused.

                Bart Lee

                Greg Northrup


                Tyson Hansen

                Pete Weimer

                Trevor Gadd

2.         Approval of previous meeting held April 16, 2024

Commissioner Lee made a motion to approve the minutes with the stated correction. Seconded by Commissioner Northrup. All were in favor. Motion passes. 4-0.

The Regular Monroe City Planning Commission meeting was closed at 7:03 P.M. on May 22, 2024. The scheduled public hearing was opened at 7:03 P.M. on May 22, 2024.

3.         Public Hearing to receive comments concerning proposed amendment to Monroe City Land Use Ordinance Chapter 10 Wellhead Protection Zone Section 10.03 General Requirements.

Commissioner Barney referred to number 7 of the ordinance asking if it was necessary to be in the ordinance or to be left out? Commissioner Dickinson expressed he felt like it should stay in the ordinance in case there was a possibility of change. Commissioner Lee agreed he felt like it should stay in the ordinance. 

Citizen Pete Weimer asked if his property is affected by this ordinance change, which it is not.

No other questions or comments were made.

4.         Public Hearing to receive comments concerning adoption of Monroe City Drainage Ordinance.

No comments were made regarding the public hearing.

5.         Consider recommendation of Monroe City Land Use Ordinance Chapter 10 Wellhead Protection Zone Section 10.03 General Requirements.

Commissioner Northrup made a motion to recommend approval of the proposed changes to the Monroe City Land Use Ordinance Chapter 10 Wellhead Protection Zone Section 10.03 General Requirements, to the Monroe City Council. Seconded by Commissioner Barney. All were in favor. Motion passes 4-0.

6.         Consider recommendation of Monroe City Drainage Ordinance.

Commissioner Barney made a motion to recommend approval of the Monroe City Drainage Ordinance to the Monroe City Council. Seconded by Commissioner Lee. All were in favor. Motion passes 4-0.

Commissioner Dickinson reopened the regular Monroe City Planning Commission meeting at 7:12 P.M. on May 22, 2024.

7.         Subdivision Amendment to Canyon Estates Lot # 5 & #6. Located at approximately 880 S 300 E. Submitted by Tyson Hansen.

Tyson is here seeking approval to adjust lot lines in the Canyon Estates Subdivision to lots #5 & #6. Commissioner Lee asked if after the lines are adjusted if there is still enough space left for a right of way? Tyson answered there is 30’ left for that designated right of way. Commissioner Lee asked how much frontage is left with the right of way using the property? Tyson responded there is still the required frontage of 75’ with the platted right of way. Commissioner Barney asked about the south property line and what the set back is? Tyson answered it’s 10’ from the corner of the house to the new proposed property line. No other questions or comments were made.

Commissioner Northrup made a motion to recommend approval to the Monroe City Council for the proposed Subdivision Amendment to Canyon Estates Lots 5&6. Seconded by Commissioner Barney. All were in favor. Motion passes 4-0.

8.         Consider Monroe Canyon Estates Subdivision Phase 1. Located at approximately 100 E 800 S. Submitted by SITLA.

Trevor Gadd is representing SITLA tonight. He first started by referring to the work meeting that city council, planning commissioners, public Utah health department and SITLA had concerning the proposed phase 1.  He asked if what he was proposing was affected by the new wellhead protection zone ordinance? Commissioner Lee responded that yes, it does not allow new septic tanks to be installed in zone 3. Trevor asked if this was applicable to them where they applied before the change was made? Commissioner Lee told him that they have not officially applied for anything yet. Commissioner Lee also informed him that the ordinance change was posted before they had submitted anything to be on the planning commission agenda. Once that happens, anything submitted after it is posted must follow the new ordinance. Trevor confirmed that the subdivision request was not submitted before the ordinance change was posted on the agenda. Trevor asked if any of the property can be developed, which Commissioner Lee told him they can still do the 2-acre parcels in zone 4 with the upgraded septic tanks. Trevor asked that moving forward they would need to scrap any development in zone 3 in which Commissioner Dickinson confirmed and stated that the rules that were once in zone 3 would apply to zone 4. Commissioner Lee asked Trevor to relate the water drainage issues back to SITLA and find a solution for the problems discussed at the work meeting. He would like them to find a solution before they spend a lot of money developing lots. Commissioner Lee expressed his concern that water was running through the proposed property when they went and walked it at their work meeting, and he stressed that something needs to be figured out with the water before they move forward. 

No vote was taken on this item.

9.         Lot line adjustment located at approximately 387 E Monroe Canyon Road. Submitted by Pete Weimer.

Pete has proposed adjusting property lines to multiple parcels that he owns. He would like to be able to get clarification from the county on where his property ends on one parcel and then move forward with the line adjustments. He would like to straighten out the parcel lines and be able to have a parcel to build on in the future if wanted or needed. He has plenty of frontage and property with the lot line adjustments. Commissioner Lee told Pete he can move forward on getting a survey done and starting the process to adjust the property lines. Pete informed the commissioners that it probably will not happen for a few months but once the survey is completed, he will come back to the Planning Commission to get final recommendation approval.  No other questions or comments were made.

10.       Other Business.

Commissioners were updated on the Land Use Ordinance book online. They were shown how to find ordinances online and how to maneuver through the website.  No other business was discussed.

11.       Adjournment.

Commissioner Northrup made a motion to adjourn at 8:01 P.M. Seconded by Commissioner Barney. All were in favor. Motion passes 4-0.

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